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 14 results in yourPeople - Subjectsearch for"Ivan the Terrible"Advanced Search
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'The Return of Ivan the Terrible to Moscow after the Conquest of Kazan'. Creator: Sir John Gilbert.
'Ivan the Terrible and His Son Ivan on November 16, 1581', 1885, (1965).  Creator: Il'ya Repin.
'The Czar Ivan the Terrible', 1590, (1903). Artist: Hans Wengel.
'Iwan der Schreckiche 1530-1584', 1934. Creator: Unknown.
'Ivan IV', c1601, (1907). Artist: Unknown.
'The Czar Ivan the Terrible', 1590, (1903). Artist: Hans Wengel.
'Ivan IV', c1601, (1907). Artist: Unknown.
'Tsar Ivan IV Conquering Kazan in 1552', 1894. Artist: Pyotr Shamshin
'Ivan IV and Malyuta Skuratov', 1870. Artist: Grigori Sedov
'Ivan the Terrible and the Ghosts of His Victims', 19th or early 20th century. Artist: Mikhail Petrovich Klodt
'Tsar Ivan IV Conquering Kazan in 1552', 1880. Artist: Aleksey Kivshenko
'Portrait of Tsar Ivan IV the Terrible', early 18th century. Artist: Anon
Ivan the Terrible, Tsar of Russia, c16th century. Artist: Unknown
Ivan IV, Tsar of Russia. Artist: Unknown